(Better known as National Nursing Home Week)
The Eve of Mother’s Day opened a week of celebrations with a Mothers’ Day Tea hosted by our AJJ. A pianist played for a couple of hours as the Residents enjoyed their tea with homemade cookies, tea sandwiches of all types and shapes, beautiful fruit arrangements and cake. They and their families had a wonderful afternoon.
Many of the Residents went out on Mother’s Day, but each one was happy to receive a beautiful donated orchid corsage before leaving or for celebrating here at home.
Monday, the 14th, brought an afternoon of Carnival Memories. The auditorium was decorated with memorabilia from yesteryear in the form of old fashioned ice cream maker, a washboard and galvanized washing tubs, a clothes line on which a few items of another era were hung with old fashioned clothes pins, all kinds of tins which once held candies or cookies reminiscent of the past, a hand-cranked meat grinder, butter press and the list goes on. Games which cleverly incorporated fun activities from the childhood of our Residents (and ours too!) were played by all. Refreshments were “milk and cookies” or biscuits and homemade jam. What a delight!
Tuesday we journeyed through memory lane with music provided by a talented musician.
Wednesday brought the staff and Residents together for a potluck/picnic lunch which some were able to enjoy out in the courtyard. Staff members were very attentive to serve the Residents first before indulging in their own fare. Some of the staff brought in their favorite dishes and there was little left at the end. Even some of our very elderly Residents were able to manage eating corn on the cob, donated that morning, and a favorite of all.
Thursday a guest speaker shared “Fifteen Ways to Get the Most out of Life’s Journey.” It gave all thoughts for reflection realizing that there is still much to enjoy and be grateful for in life even as one is 80 – 90 – or 100.
Friday we welcomed the Rockerettes, a dance group of older women who still know how to dance up a storm.
To finish the week we had a May Crowning the afternoon of May 19th with a nice group in attendance. Beginning the rosary in the chapel we processed through the halls of the home as we continued through the decades and then finished near a statue of Our Lady in the main hall where she was crowned. A consecration to Mary in the chapel concluded the afternoon devotions. Our Blessed Mother certainly must have smiled down on her elderly children in wheelchairs, using walkers and electric chairs as they made their way around to honor her.
It was a wonderful, well-planned week which was enjoyed by all.
NATIONAL RESIDENTS WEEK – Celebrating the Journey