“Fatima Park” was created through the ingenuity and vision of Ian Cox, an Eagle Scout and student at St. Xavier High School, who offered his time and services to the Home. The original statues of Our Lady of Fatima and the three children from our first Home here in Louisville (1869) had been ‘in storage’ ever since our new Home opened in 1991. This opportunity to create a special shrine garden dedicated to Our Lady of Fatima where we can sit and pray while enjoying the natural beauty of this corner of our Home was enthusiastically supported by everyone.
Ian’s determination, dedication and ability to plan, organize and execute this project was impressive. The collaboration of his Scout colleagues in this project was a blessing and is an inspiration and gives us confidence that the Youth of today are indeed caring and willing to share both time and gifts with the Elderly – “making them happy”.
Chris Herde, a student At St. Xavier High School volunteered his services as an Eagle Scout to beautify part of our back yard. He had to plan, orchestrate and direct the project and part of the criteria for choosing our Home was that the facility had to be a non-profit organization.
Over thirty Scouts, including some girls, joined Chris in his project. Our backyard was a hive of activity for most of the day. Faithfully in the background were several Moms, discreetly shaded under a tent, ensured that there were refreshments available throughout the day. Team effort and camaraderie among all the students enabled the project to be completed the same day. We look forward to our bank area taking on a more domestic and cultivated appearance and are grateful to the ingenuity of yet another Eagle Scout.
2 Scout projects benefit our home